Program Evaluation
Over 15 years experience in program evaluation, primarily on NSF funded projects.
NSF S-STEM Evaluations
Building a Chemistry and Biochemistry Targeted Learning Community: The Impact of Vertical Mentoring on STEM Student Outcomes
(2020 – 2025), PI Lafe, R. California State University San-Marcos
Improving the Persistence and Success of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Computer Science
(2018 – 2023), PI Mohsen Dorodchi; University of NC-Charlotte
REU Evaluations
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Model-based Reasoning in STEM Education
(2018 – 2021), NSF Award 1757477; PI: Leslie Wright; Rochester Institute of Technology
Multimessenger Astrophysics
(2020 – 2024), NSF Award 1950669; PI:Joshua Faber; Rochester Institute of Tech
Multimessenger Astrophysics
(2017 – 2019), NSF, Dr. Joshua Faber, Rochester Institute of Technology
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Discipline-Based Education Research at RIT
(2014 – 2017), NSF Award DUE-1359262, Drs. Newman, Wright, Zwickle
DEI Focused Evaluations
RIT HMMI Inclusive Excellence
(2017 – Present), Scott Franklin and Dina Newman, Rochester Institute of Technology
NRT-IGE: Deploying Holistic Admissions and Critical Support Structures to Increase Diversity and Retention of US Citizens in Physics Graduate Programs
(2017 – Present), NSF-1633275; Principal Casey Miller, Scott Franklin, Benjamin Zwickl
Integrating Metacognitive Practices and Research to Ensure Student Success
(2014 – 2017), NSF, Dr. Scott Franklin and Dr. Elizabeth Hane, Rochester Institute of Technology
Faculty Development Focused Evaluations
Fostering integration of computational practices into physics courses — A local communities approach
(2015 – 2017), NSF-1504786; Marcos Daniel Caballero, Marie Lopez del Puerto, Norman Chonacky
Two-Year College New Faculty Experience
(Fall 2010 – 2016), NSF-DUE-0940857, Drs. Scott Schultz and Todd Leif
Other Evaluation Projects
PhysTEC website evaluation
(Summer 2020), American Association of Physics Teachers and American Physics Society
Developing a Large-Enrollment, Guided Inquiry, Conceptual Physics Course
(Fall 2011 – Summer 2013), NSF-DUE-1044172, Dr. Fred Goldberg
Collaborative Research: Developing a tool for teachers to assess real-time learning and forgetting in large classes
(Fall 2010 – 2012), NSF-DUE-0941378, Dr. Scott Franklin
If you’d like more information about me, my work, or would like to discuss working together, please contact me.